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I hate him and he is not worthy of my respect; only ridicule. Unless you are a Trumptard you have come to feel the same way. And so it is with pleasure that I bring you my collection of favorites I've found online. Enjoy!

- Jeffrey

trump in diaper with pacifier and baby bonnet
trump on pig body
trump making fun of disabled reporter

People said, I cannot believe that alone wasn't enough to disqualify him. Making fun of a physically challenged reporter in the manner of an ignorant twelve-year-old bully. Well, his base loves him,  they hate the "retarded", and so here we are...

No - babies are cuddly. Donnie is a disgusting perv-baby. Dressed for a date with the Russian prostitutes apparently.

trump as a big fat ass

Ha ha, Donnie as a big fat ass with a face and unruly orange hair. Seems about right.

tump is bat shit crazy

Slight Chance? 100% chance of Bat Shit Crazy!

trump sitting on a toilet tweeting

Our "president", sitting on a toilet, spewing his hateful emissions from both ends (from his tweeting fingers and his fat ass).


Exactly why the artist chose to portray this in the style of a breakfast cereal  I'll leave it to you the viewer to decide.

trump farting brown twitter birds

His tweets are like brown fart birds that fly away in formation as he stands with his pants down and a sad frown

trump picking his nose

Ha, donald trump picking his nose. Is it real or Photoshopped? Do you care? I don't.

trump with no teeth

The wonders of Photoshop, trump turned into a toothless denture-wearing dotard...

This appeared around the time of his Middle-East visit, where some speculated his slurring during the speech was due to loose dentures. I think more likely Parskinsons, or even syphillis.

piss in trump urinal

Oh donald how we must hate you indeed to create page like these.


I can assure you ... we do. Absolutely we do.

the peculiar mouth of trump

Come on, admit it. You are as fascinated with his mouth as we all are. The phototgraphers all know it, and they time their shots to capture it at its best. His mouth and lips are -- unique. And not in a good way. They are... simply put... Gross. Horrifying. Unsettling. Alarming. all at the same time.

disturbing pictures of pedophile trump and daughter ivanka

People have accused me of obsession here but I don't think so. He famously said "If Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her." Is it possible he really is? There really is something here that's not right. Can you really not see that?


From top to bottom, left to right. Keep reading, they get worse as you go.


1. Upper left: A semiformal father/daughter pose, she sitting on his lap in a miniskirt, dad's hand possessively around her waste, other hand resting casually on her upper thigh. She cradleing his chin in a manner that looks anything like a daughter's love for her father. And the best part? They are sitting on a stone statue of PARROTS HAVING SEX!!!


2. Top right: This gives me the chills. Something about his hands. It looks possessive, not protective. Capable of violence. And her expression. She's terrified and confused. Poor girl.


3. Bottom left:. Now we get into real creepiness. Let's analyze this shall we? A 15 year old daughter sitting on her daddy's lap, one leg inserted between his, way up near his crotch? Her lips just leaving his cheek as she finishes planting a  kiss? Ewww!  Creepy, right? Right.


4. Bottom right. A goddamn lap dance! Ivanka is giving daddy Donny a lap dance? Really? In what world is this  acceptable?

hated friendless trump

A horrible, horrible man. I'm embarrased for our country, and so ashamed. Donald, go crawl into a hole and die a miserable death please. That is not something I have ever wished on anyone before. But few before him have ever been more deserving of such a fate.

trump is a moron, claims he isn't

Oh yes you are; more precisely and crudely, you are a "Fucking Moron", according to your sec. of state Rex Tillerson, millions across the USA and Billions across the planet.

trump on hitler margarine tub

trump and the alt-right love and admire the man. And they want to Make America White Again. What would Hitler do? They're thinking about that. You should too.


No Joke.

family circus cartoon hating trump

Prayers at a lot of Thanksgiving and Christmas family dinners went somewhat like this. True Christians know that Jesus would forgive you for saying (or even praying) this.

pushing trump down toilet with plunger
trump shitting on toilet and tweeting, thinking of ivanka and reaching for the jergins lotion
trump shitting on his supporters who eagerly eat it up

trump and toilets

Yep, this about captures the mind of trump supporters. If he told them to they would, and they'd love it.

fuck trump and fuck you for voting for him

Yeah, basically. There was NO excuse to allow him to get elected. If you did, then FUCK YOU. That includes you Bernie supporters too bitter about the primary to swallow your pride for the sake of the big picture. And you pussy-boys too insecure to accept a woman president. And all you third-party Stein, Johnson, and random throw-away write-in voters. YOU made this lunatic president. Again, THANK YOU FOR RUINING OUR COUNTRY and FUCK YOU!

trump drinkig from bottle like a demented freak. he needs a presidential sippy cup

It could be he has Parkinsons or similar neurological disorder and is compensating for small tremors.


Or is he - spoiled entitled pig that he is - just so accustomed to drinking from gold goblets and the like and has literally forgotten momentarily how to drink from a bottle?

trump butt plug

That looks painful, and no fun at all. But hey - to each his own! Take your sadomasochistic fantasies to the next level with this donald trump Butt Plug!

new york daily news cover: grab them by the pussy

This (the infamous Access Hollywood recording) should have spellt the end of the trump campaign and sent him home in disgrace - or better, to begin answering to his many accusers of sexual harrassment, assault, and even rape. But he explained it as "just locker room talk". Um... no. No decent person talks like that - in or out of the locker room. His base loves it cuz it gives them permission to go on treating their women like dirt.


I do love that cover photo however. Exemplary journalism from New York's other newspaper.

trump on toilet tweeting, with ivanka pinup and jergens lotion

How 'bout this - From now on let's refer to "taking a dump" as "Taking a Trump"!


You gotta love this image. Don't miss the Ivanka pinup on the wall. And the

Jergins lotion

raise your hand if you're sick of donald trump

Sick is the key word. He is literally making people sick with fear, hatred, despair. Be strong - he will be gone soon, one way or another.

Um, no thanks! I'm all about disrespecting trump, but I won't disrespect my ass by letting this image anywhere near it.

Gallery of Disrespectful Trump Images

Jeffrey Nessman's

No - prison is too good for him.


Wait... I've got something better. Let's send him to prison - in Haiti. You know, that so-called "shithole" country he hates so much? Yes - lock him up in a Hatian prison! Works for me!

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